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US 3rd Armored tanks enter Paris, France as civilians welcome them during World W...HD Stock Footage
US Army 3rd Armored tanks enter Broney and Paris, France as civilians welcome the...HD Stock Footage
US Army 3rd Armored tanks advance and encircle Paris, France during World War II. HD Stock Footage
French civilians wave and welcome United States troops in Paris, France. HD Stock Footage
Allied soldiers are welcomed by civilians as they arrive in Paris, France. HD Stock Footage
French civilians climb aboard tanks and vehicles to welcome arriving Allied troop...HD Stock Footage
US 3rd Armored Division and French 2nd Armored Division drive through France. HD Stock Footage
United states troops crossing bridge on military vehicles to enter Paris in World...HD Stock Footage
United States soldiers with tanks and jeeps drive on the streets in Paris, France...HD Stock Footage
The civilians on the streets of Paris welcome Allied soldiers in Paris,France. HD Stock Footage
French civilians cheer as US 2nd Armored Division, 745th Tank Battalion pass thro...HD Stock Footage
United States 102nd cavalry regiment enters city of Paris. HD Stock Footage